
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2016

Automotive Lubricants Database in Indonesia

Automotive Lubricants Data and Market Research 2011-2016 was released September 2016 displaying data, market research, market trends, market leader , as well as market growth and market size lubricating oil industry in general and automotive lubricating oil industry in particular. The period in focus 2011-2016. Automotive Lubricants Data and Market Research 2011-2016 begins by showing highlights macroeconomic Indonesia, covering 2014-2019 GDP growth, inflation trends, population, middle-class consumer trends, urbanization, the median age of the population, the potential of the local market, as well as trends GDP per capita. (Page 2-4) Then, the data showing highlights the development of the industry since 2007-2016, regulation since 1998-2016. (Page 5-8) PT Pertamina Lubricants-subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) in the lubricants business-ever market share of national oil by 90% before 1997. At that time, the sale of oil is still regulated by Presidential Decree (Dec...

Pusat Database Industri Baja

Industri baja menjadi salah satu sektor yang memiliki peranan penting bagi perekonomian nasional, mengingat kebutuhan baja untuk infrastruktur, konstruksi, properti, dan sektor lainnya. Industri baja merupakan induk seluruh industri (mother industry) yang memiliki peranan penting terhadap pertumbuhan industri manufaktur di Indonesia. Bagaimana rekam jejak industri ini , siapa market leader, tren pertumbuhan pasar, serta bagaimana peta persaingannya, simak ulasan berikut ini: 1) Riset Pasar dan Tren Harga Baja (Hulu-Hilir) 2010-2016 2) Riset Komprehensif Industri Baja 2007-2017 3) Data dan Analisis Industri Baja Periode 2000-2014 4) Data Komprehensif Industri Baja di Indonesia 5) Data Permintaan Baja di Indonesia (sepuluh tahun terakhir) 6) Data Produksi dan Pangsa Pasar 4 Pemimpin Pasar Baja Canai Panas (HRC) Berikut penjelasan detail masing-masing data/riset: 1) Riset Pasar dan Tren Harga Baja (Hulu-Hilir) 2010-2016 yang dirilis September 2016 ini menampilkan ri...

Kumpulan Bahan Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi di Sektor Industri

Kesulitan mencari data atau hasil riset, bingung mencari ke mana? Tidak perlu bingung lagi. Kini hadir digital database untuk sektor industri di Indonesia.   memperkenalkan fitur terbaru yakni   indeks data industri   aktual. Lebih dari 115 database industri   dari berbagai sektor industri manufaktur (tekstil, agro, kimia, makanan-minuman, elektronik, farmasi, otomotif, rokok, semen, perkapalan, dan lainnya), komoditas, pertanian, perkebunan, sumber daya mineral, logistik, infrastruktur, properti, perbankan, reksadana, media, consumer, hingga makro-ekonomi.   memberikan diskon paket pembelian data industri 30%-50% dengan menjadi member tahunan (serta cashback menarik). Segera hubungi kami untuk kebutuhan data industri, analisis, riset, kajian, dan market research lainnya. Database industri   sangat bermanfaat bagi perusahaan maupun perorangan, investor, pemangku kebijakan, direksi perusahaan, ...

Steel Market Trend in Indonesia 2010-2016

Steel Price Trends and Market Research (Upstream-Downstream) 2010-2016 , released September 2016 showing independent research, data, analysis, assessment and outlook related to steel pricing trends of the upstream (raw materials) to downstream. In addition, it is equipped with the trend of the steel market in Indonesia, the trend in steel consumption and steel production as well as the dependency on imports, the market value (market size) national steel industry, the market share of steel producers per segment, price trends global steel and steel prices locally, a brief profile market Indonesian leader in the steel industry, as well as the prospects and challenges of this industry also in the future. Steel Price Trends and Market Research (Upstream-Downstream) 2010-2016 starts from the 2010-2016 begins by showing highlights macroeconomic Indonesia, covering GDP growth from 2014 to 2019, the trend of inflation, population, middle-class consumer trends, the potential of ...