Indonesian Tourism Industry Data and Research 2010-2020

Tourism Industry Data and Research 2010-2020 is showing the data and outlook as well as the exclusive research related to all the information about the tourism industry in Indonesia, ranging from highlights Indonesia’s tourism industry, track record of growth in the number of foreign tourists, the trend favorite destinations, top 10 tourism destinations most visit, comparative ASEAN tourism industry, to the Indonesian tourism industry market size from 2010 to 2020.

Research and data begins with a general overview of the Indonesian economy, the pace of growth in 2014-2019, the rate of inflation, as well as the economic potential of Indonesia in 2030. (page 2), followed by Indonesia tourism industry highlights (3-5 pages) that explores the growth trends in the tourism industry the global economic slowdown, the trend of the number of foreign tourists, policies and incentives in the tourism industry.

On pages 6 & 7 for reviews direction and strategy of the government in developing the national tourism industry, with the development of tourism destinations. The government has issued policies include the expansion of visa-free countries to visit Indonesia to 90 countries, and ease of use of foreign-flagged cruise ships.

On page 8 is displayed pointers incentives for national tourism industry, in the form of short stay visa-free facility, new regulations on yacht, new regulations on cruise. Special about the short-stay visa-free facility featured in the list of 90 countries were granted visa-free at page 9. On page 10 reviews the incentive development of special economic zones (SEZ) which includes nine regional tourism.

On page 11, displayed charts top 10 leading tourist destinations in Indonesia. Spliced ​​on page 12 tourism investment opportunities per region in Indonesia, complete with the favored sectors and infrastructure support from the local government. The central government also provides incentives in the economic policy package related to the tourism industry X (page 13).

On page 14, displayed an interesting chart of the number of foreign tourists from 2011 to 2015. Visits by foreign tourists per month during 2014-2015 are also shown on page 15. On page 16, presented in the chart on the development of foreign tourists according to entrances 2010-2014. On page 17, described the development trend of foreign tourist than 10 Indonesian export commodity. make exclusive research related to the market value (market size) of the tourism industry in Indonesia period 2010-2020 with a target being compare to national tourism foreign exchange, interest shown in the chart (pages 18-19). On page 20-22, reviews the trend of foreign tourists visiting the 2004-2019 period and the track record of the trend of foreign tourists visiting the period 1975-2015. Spliced ​​with comparative data is the number of foreign tourists ASEAN countries the period 2010, 2013 and 2018 targets Trends expenditure (spending) tourists as well as the length of stay of foreign tourists in Indonesia described on page 25.

Tourism Industry Data and Research 2010-2020 which amounted to 26 page pdf is derived from BPS, Ministry of Tourism, UN of world tourism organization, Pacific Asia Travel Association, processed

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