Indonesia Motorcycle Lubricant Market Research & Data Per Province

The Motorcycle Lubricant Market Trends Research 2014-2016 (Projected Market Size 2017) was released early October 2017 featuring independent research, comprehensive data, analysis and reviews, as well as market volume growth trends and motor oil lubricant market share in Indonesia. The discussions are done in detail from the overall market trend of general lubricants (general market), domestic production and sales trends, to more in-depth analysis of motor oil lubricant market, to motor oil players market share.

This research begins with exposure to Indonesia’s macroeconomic data, inflation, and rupiah exchange rate (page 2). Combined with, comparative growth of developing country and developed countries period 2016-2018 along with outlook of commodity price movement 2018 (page 3).

The projected growth per sector in the national economic structure of 2018 is shown on pages 4-6 with a number of growth-driven catalysts. Followed by infographics of regional economies throughout Indonesia, the backbone of the regional economy, the industry sector with the highest growth on pages 7 & 8.

On pages 9 to 14, infographic economic growth per province and inflation per province in Indonesia with track record for the period 2014 to 2016. Provincial economic growth trends and inflation per province are important to support the research of motor oil market trends by province. Continue on the trend of Indonesia’s GDP growth period 2008 to 2019.

Go into the discussion in more detail, described the highlights of lubricant oil industry since 2001 to present on page 16 to 19. Since 2001, lubricant oil market in Indonesia began to open with the issuance of regulation Presidential Regulation No. 21/2001. team makes specific research on market size trends and market value trends of the lubricant industry in Indonesia in 2014-2017 period in a new form with a new, more comprehensive approach, and is expected to be a perfect research fellow. With a more comprehensive new approach, market size trends and market value in describing the up/down industry growth in terms of sales volume and sales value. It is described on pages 20-21, which is accompanied by an analysis on page 22.

Then, the overall market trend of the overall, 2011, 2014, 2015, and 2016 industrial markets is made with due regard to overall market trends (pages 23-27), along with the analysis (page 28). The composition of oil users (industry segment and automotive segment) is shown in the table for the period 2016, reinforced by automotive wheel and automobile motorcycle oil segmentation on page 29. The composition of the lubricating oil segment is corroborated by market value ratio (market value) industrial lubricant oil and automotive lubricant oil (lubricant motorcycle and car oil). Can be illustrated that the market value of industrial lubricant oil remains the highest, followed by motorcycle lubricant oil and lastly lubricating car oil.

After that, entering into the core discussion, research on motor oil market trends per province for the period 2014-2016 is shown on pages 31 to 37. Starting from the trend of market volume and market value of motor oil in Indonesia period 2014-2017F along with the percentage of growth and analysis. Then, market volume trends and market motor oil prices per province are detailed and analyzed on pages 33-37.

On page 38 & 39 the motorcycle market players’ market share map for the period of 2017 is shown in interesting graphics along with their analysis. The data was obtained from a limited survey by the team, market intelligence interviews with oil companies, and other supporting data compilations.

Continuing to the next discussion, team developed market intelligence research on the sales, production and financial trends of two market leaders in the lubricant industry in Indonesia (pages 40-48). In this discussion, the team explores the market leader of lubricant oil industry from sales track record of sales and growth, net profit, installed capacity, production volume, factory utilization, sales volume, and market share. Market intelligence research is complemented by a valid source that can provide a broad overview of the period 2014-2017F range. In addition, market intelligence research is complemented by the profile of production facilities and distribution channels, enriching the information comprehensively, and can be a reference in the strategy of competitor intelligence.

The above exclusive research supporting data are presented on pages 49 & 50, among others, the trend of motorcycle sales per unit for the period 2005-2019F, as well as the motor population trend (number of vehicles operating) for the period 2006-2016.

This 51 pages research is derived from exclusive research, supported by supporting data from the Ministry of Industry, BPS, WHO and World Bank, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, industry associations and some companies lubricant oil in Indonesia. Industry data index is the latest feature in which displays dozens of data options according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users perform process according to procedure, ie click purchase (purchase), click checkout, and fill form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented. Thank you for your trust to Especially for the purchase of this data, the user not only obtains softcopy files, but also exclusive print (1 copy – 150 milligram hardcopy art carton paper) for Rp 250.000, – free shipping.(*)

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