Seaweed Industry in Indonesia (Data & Market Trends)

Comprehensive Data on Indonesian Fisheries and Marine Industry 2012-2017 (Fish and Market Consumption Trends) was released in the first week of February 2018 featuring comprehensive data, development trends, interesting infographics, fishery and marine industry (seaweed, surimi fish, shrimp, skipjack tuna, crab & crab, squid & octopus). Reinforced by production trends, location distribution, and manufacturer names, this comprehensive data is expected to enrich the market competition database to determine the direction of future business strategy.

Comprehensive Data of Fishery and Marine Industry 2012-2017 (Fish Consumption Trends & Market Opportunities) begins with exposure to Indonesia’s macroeconomic data, inflation, and rupiah exchange rate (page 2-4). With the support of large population, the market of fishery and marine industry is quite prospective and attractive for both domestic and export consumption.

On page 5, a table of trends in the growth of fish consumption per kilogram per capita per year for the period 2012-2017, which is reinforced by national trend data of fish demand in the same period. The method of calculating trend data is presented on pages 6-7.

The trend data is explained in more detail on page 8, the per capita fish consumption data trends are distinguished per province to provide a clearer picture of the development of demand in the community. Continued on page 9, national fishery export trends for the 2015-2017 period and 2018-2019 projections, covering 474 10-digit HS products. The data on export trends is then comparable with the export performance of countries such as China, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore, on page 10.

On page 11, the data of potential fish resources in Indonesia in 1997, 1999, 2001 to 2017. On page 12 shows the growth trends of fishery production growth, including catch fisheries and aquaculture fishery period 2011-2016.

On page 13-15, data on export-import balance of fishery products is presented in the period 2012-2017, comparative balance of fishery export-import with other countries, and fishery export trend in a number of fishing port provinces which is the basis of fishery industry. In addition, the price trend of fish is drawn from export data. On page 16, fishery commodity trends are shown to be excellent exports. In the period 2012-2017, squid octopus squid to be excellent. While in 2016-2017, crab shrimp turn to be excellent with the highest growth.

Growth trends in gross domestic product (GDP) of fishery period 2014-2017 are presented in the table on pages 17, 18, and 19, along with broad trends of marine conversion areas. Followed then, on page 20-24 displayed the main destination table of Indonesian fishery exports with growth trend. Also, discussed imports of fishery products and types that dominate, including the import of Salmon-Trout to meet the needs of the hotel restaurant cafe (horeka-pasmod).

Going into the next discussion, investment trends in the fishing industry are featured in an interesting pie chart table on page 24, followed by trends occurring in 2016-2017, origin countries of investment, and investment destination provinces. The investment related discussion is outlined on pages 25-26.

On page 27, a graphical map of the distribution location of the fish processing unit is shown. Followed by pie chart table of fish processing unit composition by type, including skipjack tuna, shrimp, crab, seaweed, and others on page 28-29. On pages 30-47, data on the average exchange rate of fishermen per year, the development of fishery product entry permit, marine and fishery business financing trend, the realization of fishery and marine priority programs, and zoning plan of coastal areas and small islands. Not only that, the value and volume of exports of raw materials of cultivation as well as capture raw materials are also presented period 2015-2017.

Another entry into the discussion, on page 48-49, shows the production capacity of fish canning industry, including frozen fish, fillet fish, frozen shrimp, processed fish, tuna / tuna cans, canned sardines, and canned mackerel from 2014-2016. Projected growth trend of fish canning production industry period 2017-2019 on page 50.

Distribution of fish and shrimp processing industry and company name (large scale) is shown on pages 51-52. The data is reinforced by the growth of export and import volume of the fish processing industry (page 53), as well as the development of surimi import exports for the period 2014-2017 (page 54).

Surimi industry is a fish meat fillet which become raw materials of value-added processing industries such as meatballs, nuggets, pempek, dimsum, fish crackers, tempura, and others. The complete profile of the surimi industry is shown on page 55. While the curling industry profile, including the number of firms, installed capacity, real production, total labor, total investment is shown on pages 56-57.

Turning to the next discussion, on pages 58-67 shows an in-depth review of the seaweed industry. Seaweed industry reviews cover potential map of seaweed cultivation area per area, seaweed processing industry tree, company name directory (35 companies) producers of seaweed processing products, complete with production capacity and raw material requirements, seaweed import-export trend, location of seaweed processing companies, main challenges, and supporting policies. On pages 68-69, there are reviews of market opportunities for the carrageenan-based capsule shell industry (processed seaweed).

Comprehensive Data of Fishery and Marine Industry consist of 70 pages and 5 MB size is derived from data compilation of BPS, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Industry, BKPM, UN Comtrade, and others. Industry data index is the latest feature in which displays dozens of data options according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users perform process according to procedure, ie click purchase (purchase), click checkout, and fill form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.(*)

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