Indonesia's Car Market Competition Analysis

Car Population Data Research 1950-2025 (Market Analysis of Car Market Share Competition) was released the first week of October 2018, featuring comprehensive data, specific data research, market trends, market analysis, and a competitive map of the market share of car brands in Indonesia. This market research is made as a benchmark for marketing strategies for industrialists related to cars and their components, especially to measure trends in market potential based on a long track record.

Car Population Data Research 1950-2025 (Market Analysis of Car Market Share Competition) begins by showing the highlights and outlook of the Indonesian economy. In 2016 and 2017, the Indonesian economy was able to grow positively amid the challenges of the global economic slowdown (pages 2 and 3).

Global economic and trade projections in 2018 are summarized in interesting infographics on page 4. On pages 5 to 7, the projected growth for each economic sector in Indonesia covers the manufacturing, construction, trade, informatics and telecommunications industries, financial services, agriculture, transportation , mining, electricity, oil and gas. Also equipped with catalysts for each sector.

On page 8, a table of data on Indonesia's GDP growth per capita for the 2008-2019F period is displayed. Continued on page 9 in the form of the definition of the automotive industry, seen from the terminology of language. Then on pages 10 to 12 displayed the first automotive sub-sector (assembly sub-sector) automotive industry subsector to the second layer (component sub-sector), along with industrial pyramid graphics.

Continuing on page 13, explained the definition of the car industry and the passenger car industry, seen from the terminology of language. On pages 14 to 17, a market trend in the automotive industry in Indonesia is shown.

Enter a specific discussion, on pages 18 to 22 displayed a data table of passenger car population in Indonesia in the period 1950-2025F, along with its growth trend. The population specific data is then analyzed on pages 23 and 24.

Turning to the next discussion, on pages 25 to 27, displays data on the market share trends of car brands in Indonesia for the 2014-2015 period, complete with sales volume, as well as the country of origin of the respective brands. In total there are 35 brands / brands of cars that compete in Indonesia from the 6 principal categories of country origin. On pages 28 and 29, a pie chart table is displayed from the previous page data (pages 25-28).

On pages 30 to 32, data on the market share of car brands in Indonesia for the 2016-2017 period are displayed, complete with sales volume, and the category of country of origin of the relevant brand principal. In total there are 35 brands / brands of cars that compete in Indonesia from the 6 principal categories of country origin. On pages 33 and 34, a pie chart table is displayed from the previous page data (pages 30-32).

On pages 35 to 36, an analysis of the market share trend of 35 car brands / brands in Indonesia from 6 principal categories of country origin is displayed. Then followed on page 37, data on market share trends are 12 car brands / brands in a number of regions in Indonesia, namely DKI Jakarta, West Java, East Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Bali for the 2016-2017 period. In addition, on page 38, data on the distribution of car sales contributions per province from one of the market leaders of car distribution in Indonesia is shown, as a benchmark for the car market trend by province.

On page 39, a data table on the ratio of car ownership in Indonesia is compared to a number of countries in Asia. Followed by the car industry business tree with its supporting sectors on page 40, followed by the assembly capacity table of 17 automotive car companies in Indonesia on page 41.

On page 42, the 2005-2019F annual car and motorcycle sales trend data are displayed, accompanied by the consumer car segment and the level of car ownership penetration on page 43. On the other hand, government policy / regulation, challenges, investment incentives, and actual developments are displayed on pages 44 to 48.

Car Population Data Research 1950-2025 (Market Analysis of Car Market Share Competition) contains 49 pages with a file size of 4.96 MB. This data research is supported by data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the National Police Traffic Corps (Korlantas), the Indonesian Automotive Industry Association (Gaikindo), as well as supporting data from a number of car manufacturers and distributors in Indonesia. The industry data index is the latest feature at which displays dozens of selected data according to users' needs. All data is presented in pdf form so it is easy to download after users process according to the procedure, which is click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill in the form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.(*)

Source: click here

* Butuh data spesifik atau riset pasar, total ada 161 database, klik di sini
** Butuh competitor intelligence, klik di sini
*** Butuh copywriter specialist, klik di sini
**** Butuh content provider (branding online), klik di sini
***** Butuh jasa medsos campaign, klik di sini

Database Riset Data Spesifik Lainnya:
  • Butuh data spesifik atau riset pasar, total ada 161 database, klik di sini
  • Butuh 22 Kumpulan Database Otomotif, klik di sini
  • Butuh 18 Kumpulan Riset Data Kelapa Sawit, klik di sini
  • Butuh 15 Kumpulan Data Semen dan Beton, klik di sini
  • Butuh 8 Kumpulan Riset Data Baja, klik di sini
  • Butuh 15 Kumpulan Data Transportasi dan Infrastruktur, klik di sini
  • Butuh 9 Kumpulan Data Makanan dan Minuman, klik di sini
  • Butuh 6 Kumpulan Market Analysis Industri Kimia, klik di sini
  • Butuh 3 Kumpulan Data Persaingan Pasar Kosmetik, klik di sini
  • Butuh competitor intelligence ataupun riset khusus (survei & observasi), klik di sini
  • Butuh copywriter specialist, klik di sini
  • Butuh content provider (online branding), klik di sini


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