Big Data, Directory Database of 224 Food and Beverage Companies in 9 Cities in Indonesia

 The Directory Database of 224 Food and Beverage Companies in 9 Cities in Indonesia (Update 2024) was released in the second week of October 2024, presenting the most complete database and the most comprehensive company directory related to specific information on food and beverage industry companies in Indonesia. This directory database is 1.13 MB in size and presented in 63 pdf pages.

This directory database was created by the team containing specific information on the food and beverage industry in 9 cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Jabodetabek, Padang, North Sumatra, Bandung, Cirebon, Surabaya, Makassar, and Lampung. The team has collected databases from big data and random field surveys to produce a directory database in the food and beverage industry.

This database is an update to the previous database with the addition of specific PIC information from most companies, such as specific information on company name, address, PIC contact name, contact number, email address and others (varies and not all). The team will continue to strive to update, renew, and add to the database for the needs of users in general.

The Directory Database of 224 Food and Beverage Companies in 9 Cities in Indonesia (Update 2024) consists of 63 PDF pages measuring 1.13 MB and is presented in Indonesian. This directory database is a manifestation of the big data service of which offers added value to its users. This Directory Database contains the company name, complete address, telephone number (some not all), and other specific information.

The team also provides additional services as a complement to this directory database, in the form of company survey services, questionnaire distribution, company observation, company investigation, and others.

The Directory Database of 224 Food and Beverage Companies in 9 Cities in Indonesia (Update 2024) is expected to be an accurate reference for marketers, company executives, business development, traders, international traders, export import traders, raw material suppliers, investors, board of directors, entrepreneurs, researchers, investment bankers, strategic & corporate planners, bank creditors, or for companies that supply goods.

The Directory Database of 224 Food and Beverage Companies in 9 Cities in Indonesia (Update 2024) complements the collection of company directory databases previously presented by Currently, there are 48 collections of specific company directory databases on, namely: 1) Directory Database of 150 Electronic Companies in Indonesia (Update 2024); 2) Directory Database of 235 Automotive Companies for Motorcycles, Cars, and Components in Indonesia; 3) Directory Database of 161 Automotive Companies for Cars, Bodywork, Heavy Equipment in Indonesia; 4) Directory Database of 3,195 Companies in 10 Industrial Sectors (Update July 2024); 5) Directory Database of 385 Pharmaceutical and Health Companies (Update 2024); 6) Specific Directory Database of 333 Construction and Building Material Companies (Update 2024); 7) Directory Database of 640 Oil, Gas, Energy, and Mining Companies (Update 2023); 8) Light Steel Importer Database in Indonesia and Directory Per Company; 9) Directory Database of 331 Upstream and Downstream Iron and Steel Companies in Indonesia (Update 2022); 10) Specific Database of 221 Infrastructure and Construction Projects 2020-2023; 11) Directory Database of 250 Cable Companies in Indonesia (Update 2022); 12) Directory Database of 208 Iron and Steel Companies in Indonesia (Update 2021); 13) Directory Database of 305 Food and Beverage Companies (Update 2021); 14) Directory Database of 635 Oil, Gas, Energy, and Mining Companies (Update 2021); 15) Directory Database of 393 Transportation and Telecommunication Companies in Indonesia; 16) Directory Database of 231 Hotel, Restaurant, and Café Companies in Indonesia; 17) Directory Database of Building Material Distributors in Java; 18) Directory Database of Food and Beverage Distributors in Java-Bali; 19) Directory Database of 5,248 Manufacturing, Energy, Infrastructure, Construction, and Agriculture Companies; 20) Specific Directory Database of 215 Industrial Companies in East Java (Special Directory Per Region); 21) Directory Database of 368 Machinery, Various Machines, and Electrical Machines Industrial Companies; 22) Directory Database of 641 Telecommunications, Information Technology, and Computers and Equipment Companies; 23) Directory Database of 1,001 Plantation, Livestock, Fishery, Forestry, and Wood Industry Companies; 24) Directory Database of 2,795 Energy, Infrastructure, Construction, and Industry Companies in Indonesia; 25) Directory Database of 601 Energy, Coal, Petroleum, and Mining Companies; 26) Directory Database of 391 Port, Airport, Toll Road, and Transportation Infrastructure Companies;

Furthermore, 27) Directory Database of 448 Banking Companies and Financing Institutions; 28) Directory Database of 460 Investment and Mutual Fund Companies; 29) Directory Database of 418 Construction Companies in Indonesia; 30) Specific Directory Database of 202 Cigarette Companies in Indonesia (Update 2020); 31) Specific Directory Database of 450 Chemical, Petrochemical, and Plastic Companies (Update 2020); 32) Specific Directory Database of 311 Cement and Building Material Companies (Update 2020); 33) Specific Directory Database of 274 Modern Retail Companies (Update 2020); 34) Specific Directory Database of 200 Cosmetic Companies (Profile of Top 10 Largest Cosmetic Companies); 35) Directory Database of 203 Food and Beverage Companies (Product Profile and Market Share); 36) Database Directory of 364 Pharmaceutical, Drug, Medical Device Companies in Indonesia; 37) Database Directory of 845 Motor Vehicle Companies; 38) Database Directory of 935 Electronic Companies in Indonesia; 39) Database of 1,452 Textile and Garment Company Directories; 40) Database of 165 Steel Company Directories in Indonesia; 41) Data of the Largest Textile Buyer Agent and Representative Office in Indonesia.

The industrial data index is the latest feature on which displays hundreds of selected data according to user needs (as of October 2024 it has reached 301 specific databases). All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users have carried out the process according to the procedure, namely clicking buy (purchase), clicking checkout, and filling out the form. prioritizes the validity of the data sources presented. (*)

Source: click here


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