Indonesia Palm Oil Database 2009-2017

Indonesian Palm Oil Production Trends Research 2009-2017 (CPO Export Market Analysis) was released in early January 2017 data display, analysis, and the outlook for Indonesian palm oil industry, from the trend of production, export trends, land development, productivity trends, the chain palm oil industry, and others.

Indonesian Palm Oil Production Trends Research 2009-2017 (CPO Export Market Analysis) begins by showing the trend of crude palm oil (crude palm oil / CPO) Indonesia 2009-2017F period along with the composition of the people's production, state, and private on page 2. The data strengthened by comparison of production and export of Indonesian CPO 2008-2018 period with an optimistic scenario on page 3.

On page 4, presented a brief analysis of the projection of Indonesian CPO production in 2017, the factors that influence the trends in exports and mandatory biodiesel, as well as the estimated cost per tonne. On page 5, shown trends mandatory bioethanol and biodiesel period from 2013 to 2025 according to the current regulations, is equipped with biodiesel process flow on page 6, and absorption analysis of biodiesel in 2016.

Still related to palm oil-based biodiesel, on page 8-9 show the trend of biodiesel production capacity, domestic consumption, and export the period 2015 to 2017, and estimated the transition import diesel with palm oil-based biodiesel by 2025.

Continued on page 10, is shown palm plantation area in Indonesia 2009-2017F period, based on the composition of the SOE, folk, and the private sector. Riau, North Sumatra, and Kalimantan province with the largest oil field on page 11. The data is reinforced by the trend tenure composition of palm oil in Indonesia on page 12. Then, the productivity of Indonesian CPO are displayed based on land ownership on page 13.

On page 14, described the trend of export volume and export value in the period 2009-2017F CPO. Continued with the trend of production of palm kernel in Indonesia period 1986-2014, based on the composition of land ownership on page 15. The chain of the oil industry that houses two million units of family farm businesses, 1,320 plantation companies, 74 industrial cooking oil, 37 chemical industry, and others displayed on page 16.

In addition, industrial development targets CP0 Indonesia by 2030 as well as the development trend of the modern oil industry is described on pages 17-18. Followed by a special regional mapping the palm oil industry in Indonesia on page 19.

On pages 20-21, described the historical development of Indonesian CPO industry became the largest manufacturer in Indonesia, include investment trends on pages 22-23, the trend of the productivity of the area of ​​land on page 24, as well as the upward trend in added value on page 25. On page 26-27 described respective industry associations that overshadow this industry from the upstream-downstream.

On page 28 is displayed trend oleochemical production period from 2004 to 2015, followed the trend of CPO production, processing, fractionation, modification on page 29 biodiesel production profile on page 30, and the profile of the upstream-downstream palm oil industry on page 31.

Then, on pages 32-45 is shown analysis of Indonesia's CPO export markets in the United States, ranging from the development of Indonesian CPO market share in the US market, a comparison with the market share of Malaysian palm oil, vegetable oil import volume trends AS 2010-2014, the development of the share of the import volume four types of vegetable oils in the US in 2010-2014, the price development of four types of vegetable oils in the US in 2010-2014, the development of the value of imports of 15 commodities of vegetable oil in the US market, up regulation of tariffs of vegetable oil in the US market.

In addition to the US market, this research also shows the Chinese edible oil market analysis. On pages 46-53 display and analysis of market trends ranging from vegetable oils China, the trend of China's soybean imports 1992-2013 period, soybean imports trend in Taiwan, mainland China, Taiwan and the mainland the period 1965 to 2013, the trend of China's imports of palm oil period 1996- 2013, until the Indonesian CPO market share in China from 2002 to 2013 period.

Indonesian Palm Oil Production Trends Research 2009-2017 (CPO Export Market Analysis) as many as 54 pages come from various sources such as regulators in Indonesia, BPS, BKPM, relevant ministries (Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industry), as well as industry associations, such as Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI), Indonesian Vegetable Oil Industry Association (GIMNI), as well as Chinese companies, processed Index of industrial database is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented.(*)

Source: click here
* Need others market research, click here


  1. Assalamualaikum wr.wb saya andy ingin berbagi cerita kepada anda bahwa dulunya saya ini cuma seorang pengamen jalanan yang pendapatannya tidak seberapa,buat makan saja nda cukup apalagi untuk beli obat buat ibu saya karna belakangan ini ibu saya lagi sakit sakitan jadi saya harus membantin tulang buat ibu saya dan adik saya karna bapak kami pergi meninggalkan kami entah kemana,,saya dapat nomor MBAH Darko dari teman saya..awalnya sih saya ragu tapi nda ada salahnya juga saya coba karna sudah banyak paranormal yang saya hubungi tapi tidak ada yang berhasil malahan cuma uang saya aja yang terkuras habis dan akhirnya saya menghubungi MBAH Darko dan mengikuti 4D nya yaitu 5713 dan alhamdulillah berhasil 085 394 591 995 .!!! Kini kehidupan kami sudah tidak seperti dulu lagi dan akhirnya saya juga sdh punya usaha sendiri dan bagi anda yang ingin seperti saya silahkan HBG MBAH Darko nomor ritual MBAH Darko meman benar2 100tembus.


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