Motorcycle Brand Data and Trends Research in Indonesia

Competition Motorcycle Brand Research Per Province in Indonesia which was released in January 2017 showing projections, data, market research, market trends, and the competitive landscape motorcycle brand per provinces in Indonesia. Market research was made as a reference for industrialist marketing strategies associated with the motor and its components, especially for measuring market trends and market share.

Competition Motorcycle Brand Research Per Province in Indonesia begins by displaying trend data motorcycle sales per brand per month per province in Indonesia in January-December 2016 on pages 2-13. The data reinforced with motorcycle sales trends per type per brand throughout 2016, especially for the type of scooter matic, sport, and Underbone (page 14).

Then, the market share of motorcycles in Indonesia in 2016 is displayed in an interesting graphic on page 15. The discussion continued with the trend of monthly sales throughout 2016 three motor types (page 16), and the composition of sales per motor types throughout 2016 (page 17). make exclusive research related motor sales trend in 2016, ranging from market value (market size) the motorcycle industry in Indonesia in 2016, the trend of transition from Underbone type to the type of sport, motor scooter matic domination types, as well as projected growth in the motorcycle market five the main provinces on pages 18-21.

Research projected motorcycle sales in five major provinces made with reference to the distribution of the allocation of regional funds in 2017 (page 22), the distribution of the allocation of funds tranfer common to the area (page 23), comparison of income and expenditure in 2017 (page 24), as well as a comparison of regional economic growth in 2016 with the pusher sector (page 25).

The research also include economic growth trends Indonesia 2015-2017 complete with seven key indicators, such as inflation, exchange rate, ICP, lifting oil and gas lifting (page 26). In addition, the income shown an increasing trend in the GDP of the period 2008-2019 (page 27).

Automotive market trends (both motorcycles and cars) are displayed in attractive graphics and a fairly long time span that 2005-2019F (page 28), the trend of market share (page 29), the data population of the motor and the car with the track record of the period 2006- 2016 is equipped with average growth trends and market penetration rate and classification of consumer views of their income level (page 30).

Motorcycle ownership ratio compared to the number of people shown on pages 31-32. Then, the motor market database featuring period of 2015 shows the composition of the motorcycle segment with a period of 2015 displayed an interesting graphic on page 33, the sales in the five major markets (page 34), the sales trends in each province period of 2015 (page 35), and top 10 provinces with the largest motor sales (pages 36-41).

This research followed by analysis of motorcycle sales per each brand (brand) period fullyear 2015 (pages 41-46). No lag, Market Research and Data Motor Industry (Trends Regional Sales Per Per Brand) also displays the policy direction (grand strategy) government to develop a two-wheeler industry, investment opportunities, as well as regulation and incentives. (Pages 47-51)

Competition Motorcycle Brand Research Per Province in Indonesia consist 51 page pdf is derived from various sources such as industry associations namely the Association of Indonesian Motorcycle Industries (AISI), the regulator in Indonesia such as BPS, Ministry of Industry, Investment Coordinating Board, Police, World Bank, as well as a motor company. Index of industry data is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented.(*)

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