Cement Industry Market Competition in Indonesia

Cement Industry Competition Analysis and Trends Selling Price 2017-2018 (Directions Market Competition; Existing New Player vs Player) was released in February 2018 featuring the latest data, comprehensive analysis, outlook and prognosis, as well as market research and interesting issues surrounding the cement industry in Indonesia. Analysis, data, and this projection is very useful for researchers, marketing, directors, and all parties concerned with the cement industry in Indonesia.

Cement Industry Competition Analysis and Trends Selling Price 2017-2018 (Directions Market Competition; Existing New Player vs Player) begins by displaying the latest data maps cement market share of all the players, both existing players (big players tier-1) as well as new players ( tier-2) per month since the fourth quarter 2014 fourth quarter 2016 (page 2). On page 3-4, the team duniaindustri.com make independent research related to projections and prognosis of the development trend of the market share maps (market share) the entire cast of cement to 2017, with an additional factor in the amount of expansion and capacity of each player. The projections presented in scenario A on page 3 and scenario B on page 4.

Duniaindustri.com team also make exclusive analysis related to the development trend of the market panga map the entire cast cement on page 5-6. From this analysis, it appears the trend is the movement of market share per quarter since the fourth quarter 2014 fourth quarter 2016, complete with player sentiment sale price policy and marketing strategy.

On page 7-8, duniaindustri.com collect important information, current issues, and the planned expansion of the cement players. Carrying five players realize its latest expansion plan cements.

On page 9, show the trend movement and selling prices of cement price war policies that influence the development of the market share of cement players.

On pages 10-11, duniaindustri.com make independent research related focus area ‘battle’ and the market competition of cement in 2017-2018, equipped with infrastructure projects being built in the area and an indication of the direction of expansion of the players.

On pages 12-13, the research continues to highlight the cement market in 2016 which featured flashbacks cement market in Indonesia over the past year (page 12). On page 13, is displayed cement market projections from 2017 to 2018 with a condition of excess supply (oversupply) is still looming.

Exclusive Analysis is equipped with updated sales data per month period January 2016-January 2017 at pages 14-26. On page 27 described the growing trend of cement sales in bag (packaging) or bulk (bulk). Until now selling cement packaging (bag) still dominate over bulk (bulk) on page 28.
The driving factor in cement sales is mainly an increase in infrastructure spending 2009-2017 period outlined on page 29. Followed by a comparative growth of domestic cement sales, the percentage of growth, and the trend of interest rates by Bank Indonesia on page 30. Continues on comparative cement sales and factory capacity as well as the mean level average utilization period 2010-2017F on pages 31-32.

Estimated selling price movements of cement period 2013-2018 presented on page 33, followed the trend of factory utilization per cement company in Indonesia on pages 34-35.

The emergence of new players that are equipped with the production capacity, market share target, as well as the latest intelligent market presented on pages 36-40.

Important information is expected to provide a more detailed overview of the competitive landscape related to the cement industry in Indonesia in the future.

Although the Indonesian cement market slowdown colored market, fierce competition and oversupply continues, the prospects for the industry is ahead is still quite attractive for the medium term. Moreover, if viewed in cement consumption per capita and the government intensified infrastructure projects. Both these factors are discussed in detail on pages 41-44.

Continues on next discussion, on pages 45-59, presented important information and notes related to the cement market leader and intelligent market data related to the three leaders of the cement market in Indonesia. Data three national cement industry market leader, among others, ranging from history to stand, the production capacity, the composition of the shareholder, subsidiary, the location of the cement plant (cement mill, kiln, packing plant), its expansion strategy into the future, the volume of sales and financial performance.

Cement Industry Competition Analysis and Trends Selling Price 2017-2018 (Directions Market Competition; Existing New Player vs Player) as much as 60 pages of this comes from research duniaindustri.com with the support of the data coming from the Ministry of Industry, the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI), BPS, The World Bank, and a number of cement companies in Indonesia. Index of industry data is a new feature in duniaindustri.com featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. Duniaindustri.com priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented.(*)

Source: click here

* Butuh data industri dan riset pasar lainnya, total tersedia 130 database, klik di sini
** Butuh marketing intelligence dan request data spesifik, klik di sini


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