Energy Consumption in the Industrial Sector in Indonesia

Data and Outlook of energy consumption in the industrial sector 2015-2050 (oil, gas, coal, renewable energy, electricity) was released in February 2017 shows data, outlook, projections, estimates, and trends in the Indonesian energy production and energy requirements in the industrial sector period 2015-2050. This data is useful for industry players, investors, entrepreneurs in the energy sector, academia, business owners, and other stakeholders.

Data and Outlook of energy consumption in the industrial sector 2015-2050 (oil, gas, coal, renewable energy, electricity) begins with the exposure of the economic outlook for Indonesia in 2017 on pages 2-4. The Indonesian economy in 2017 is estimated to grow 5.1% with a number of challenges both from within and outside the country such as the infrastructure gap between regions as well as the slowdown in China’s economy. On page 5, show the trend of national economic growth period from 2015 to 2017, along with a number of key components such as a target exchange rate, inflation, and oil and gas lifting.

On page 6 is displayed highlights the condition of energy in Indonesia. Their fossil fuel dependency is high. The energy mix in Indonesia can be classified petroleum (46%), coal (26%), natural gas (23%), as well as new and renewable energy (EBT) (5%).

On page 7 spelled out the conditions of electricity consumption per capita in Indonesia compared with the ASEAN countries. Electricity consumption per capita in Indonesia is lower than Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Followed by a discussion of energy as the capital of the country’s development on page 8-10.

Indonesia’s crude oil potential from 2015 to 2050 is shown on page 11, followed by the potential of Indonesia’s coal production from 2015 to 2050 is shown on page 12. Indonesian coal potential from 2015 to 2050 it was equipped with a portion of the export and the domestic portion mainly for industry, power plants, and gasification.

Especially for gas are discussed on page 13, especially LPG gas production from 2015 to 2050, the total demand in Indonesia and import projections to 2050. More specifically, the discussion of the energy as a raw material and engineering support shown on page 15, especially for gas, fuel (fuel), liquid petroleum gas (LPG), coal, biofuels (BBN), biomass, and related electric industry needs the period 2015-2050.

In addition to the industrial sector, is also displayed the energy requirements for the transport sector, especially for CNG (gas), fuel oil (BBM), BBN, and electricity.

On page 17, displayed comparative energy requirements for the industry in 2025 and 2050. The energy needs that include natural gas, LPG, syngas, fuel oil, coal, biofuel, renewable energy, and electricity. The discussion then be more specific breakdown on the gas on page 18. On pages 19-27, displayed projections of energy consumption in the sector covers a number of sectors of industry, transport, households, commercial, and others as well as analysis.

Then, the data showing the highlights on the development of electric energy and the projected needs of the industry began to pages 28-54. Starting from the 2015-2016 national electricity system by displaying the installed generating capacity (per segment), the length of power transmission lines, electric power consumption, the length of the distribution network, as well as electricity consumption per capita and electricity consumption per class. (Page 35)

Development of electricity subsidies and fuel mix as well as the composition of sales of electricity in 2016 is shown on page 36. On page 37, show the development of costs (cost), tariff, and electricity subsidy period 2003-2016. Electricity supply business region of 24 enterprises appear interesting infographic on page 38. The data is reinforced with an electrification ratio of ASEAN countries (page 39).

While comparative Indonesia’s electrification ratio per area is shown on page 40, complete with the national trend of the period 2010-2019. There are four regions in Indonesia that electrification ratio is below 70%.

On page 41, displayed infographic national electricity system with a data capacity of each region, the status of electricity supply per area, as well as backup power supplies per region and nationally. The data is fitted with the projected demand for electricity, electricity consumption, elasticity, the need for additional capacity of 2015 to 2034 period. (Page 42)

Furthermore, on page 43 show the development needs of power supply 2015-2034 period divided by non-State system, independent power producer (IPP), PLN and PLN system, as well as the total additional requirement. On page 44 is displayed primary energy mix and energy mix of power plants with a benchmark realization from 2013 to 2014 and 2025 targets.

On page 46, presented projections of electricity demand from 2016 to 2025 per island in Indonesia. On pages 49-50, the portion shown additional generating capacity per plant type from 2015 to 2025. The data is fitted with the projected fuel requirements per type of plants the period 2016-2025, divided into four namely fuel gas, coal, biomass, and geothermal. (Pages 48-50)

While the need for additional power transmission lines per class period 2016 to 2025 is shown on page 50. Additional requirements substations per class period 2016 to 2025 is shown on page 51. Trends additional needs of the network and distribution transformers 2016-2025 period presented in an interesting infographic on the page 52. While the need for investments ranging from distribution, transmission and generation 2016-2025 period outlined on page 53. Projected cost of providing electricity for the period 2016 to 2025 is shown on page 54.

Data and Outlook of energy consumption in the industrial sector 2015-2050 (oil, gas, coal, renewable energy, electricity) consist 55 pages from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), the National Energy Council (DEN), the Ministry of Industry, BPS, WHO and the World Bank, and energy companies in Indonesia, processed Index of industry data is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented.(*)

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