Indonesia Lubricant Industry Market Reseach (update July 2017)

Specific Research Market Size Oil Sector Industry (Sales Trend Two Market Leader) new version was released late July 2017 featuring research data, market trends, market volume growth, market value, market share, And the market potential of lubricant oil industry in general (overall market). Presented in tables, graphics, and tabulation of interesting data, this specific research is expected to become a reference for the growth of lubricant oil business as well as other relevant stakeholders.

Specific Research The Market Size of Lubricant Oil Industry (Sales Trend of Two Market Leaders) begins with Indonesia’s macro economic highlights, including economic growth (GDP) of 2015-2017F per quarter, inflation trend, rupiah exchange rate, ICP, oil lifting and gas lifting (Page 2). Followed by interesting graphics comparing the growth of regions per island in Indonesia with the level of poverty in the region in 2016 (page 3).

Continued on page 4, highlighting global economic and trade trends, both in developed and developing countries, and commodity price trends. On page 5, the 2018 macroeconomic target, including household consumption, government consumption, investment, and manufacturing, construction, trade, financial services, agriculture, transportation, mining and so on.

Furthermore, growth catalysts per sector, from agriculture, mining, industry, listri, construction, trade, information and communication, and financial services (pages 6-7) are presented. Economic growth targets per region are presented in the form of attractive graphics, complete with poverty levels and open unemployment rates by 2018 (page 8).

Indonesia Population Per Capita Growth (PDB per Capita) Growth Year 2008-2019E on page 9. Also data on population size per province, density of population per province, and number of households per province on page 10. Go into the discussion in more detail, described the highlights of the lubricant oil industry from 2001 to the present on pages 11-14. Since 2001, lubricant oil market in Indonesia began to open with the issuance of regulation Presidential Regulation No. 21/2001.

The team makes specific research on market size trends and market value trends of the lubricant industry in Indonesia in 2014-2017 period in a new form with a new, more comprehensive approach, and is expected to be a perfect research fellow. With a more comprehensive new approach, market size trends and market value in describing the up / down industry growth in terms of sales volume and sales value. It is described on pages 15-16, which are accompanied by an analysis on page 17.

Then, the overall market trend of the overall, 2007, 2011, 2014, 2015, and 2016 markets is made with due regard to overall market trends (pages 18-23), along with the analysis (page 24). The composition of oil users (industry segment and automotive segment) is shown in the table with a rather long period 2011-2016 on page 25, reinforced by automotive wheel and automobile motorcycle oil segmentation on page 27.

Continuing to the next discussion, the team developed market intelligence research on the sales, production, and financial trends of two market leaders in the lubricant industry in Indonesia (pages 27-35). In this discussion, the team explores the market leader of lubricant oil industry from sales track record of sales and growth, net profit, installed capacity, production volume, factory utilization, sales volume, and market share. Market intelligence research is complemented by a valid source that can provide a broad overview of the period 2014-2017F range. In addition, market intelligence research is complemented by the profile of production facilities and distribution channels, enriching the information comprehensively, and can be a reference in the strategy of competitor intelligence.

Going to page 36-44, the team makes an exclusive discussion about researching the market trends of car lubricant oil by province 2015-2017F by quantitative method with linear causality regression model. This approach model is taken because it has a strong database, namely sales and car population per province in Indonesia, dikomparasi with other supporting data so as to display accurate data. On page 10, there is a trend of car oil market volume per province (34 provinces) for 2015-2017F in liter.

As a reference calculation, on page 38, sales data of 2016 auto trends and car populations to 2015 per province to measure the total car oil market in Indonesia per province. Top 10 provinces with the largest car oil market by volume are presented on page 12.

On page 39, a comparison of market volume and market size of the car lubricant industry per province by 2016 is presented. Top 10 car oil markets based on value are presented on page 14.

The above exclusive research supporting data are presented on pages 36-37, including the distribution of car sales per province, trends of car sales per unit for the period 2005-2019F, and trends in population of cars (number of vehicles operating) for the period 2006-2016.

Specific Research Market Size Lubricant Oil Industry (Sales Trend of Two Market Leaders) of 45 pages is derived from exclusive research, supported data support from the Ministry of Industry, BPS, WHO and World Bank, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, industry associations and a number of lubricant oil companies in Indonesia. Industry data index is the latest feature in which displays dozens of data options according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users perform process according to procedure, ie click purchase (purchase), click checkout, and fill form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.(*)

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* Need another market research, click here
** Need 17 automotive database, click here
*** Need competitor intelligence in Indonesia, click here
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