Infrastructure Development Data 2015-2019

Data and Infrastructure Development Review 2015-2019 (Funding Alternative and Guarantee Scheme in Indonesia) was released in late June 2017 showing data, outlook, study, analysis and research related to all information about infrastructure development in Indonesia, especially related to funding alternatives and project guarantee schemes. This data provides the widest information related to infrastructure projects of cooperation between government and business entities (KPBU) both BUMN and private.

This comprehensive data starts from Indonesia’s economic outlook for 2017 and Indonesia’s economic growth trend per quarter of 2015-2017 period (page 2). As well as economic value added trends (value added) per region (page 3).

Continuing to the discussion on infrastructure, on page 4, Indonesia’s infrastructure financing needs for 2015-2019 period reached US $ 358 billion, covering roads, railways, air transportation, sea transportation, drinking water, public housing, urban transport, land transportation, Electricity, energy, waste water, and telecommunications and informatics. Of this amount the portion of APBN / APBD is only 41.3%, followed by state-owned enterprises 22.2%, and private (KPBU) 36.5%.

On page 5 the respective portion of the infographics is shown, the government’s fiscal tools scheme in the National Budget (KPBU), and the 225 national strategic projects plan. On page 6, a chart is drawn from project preparation, tender process, to complete construction to the managing entity of each process.

Then on page 7 described the structure of the state budget to support infrastructure projects, ranging from revenue, expenditure, to financing / investment. On page 8, a legal umbrella for government and business entities (KPBU) is defined. The type of government infrastructure guarantee is displayed with pointers on page 9. Case studies of power infrastructure projects are described on page 10. The infrastructure implementation scheme in the electricity sector is shown on page 11 with interesting charts and charts. Special provisions on the infrastructure underwriting scheme are described on page 12. Notice the detailed explanation of government guarantees on the implementation of the PIK shown on pages 13-14, covering financial obligations, guarantees, characteristics, and periods of underwriting.

Procedures for issuance of loan guarantee bills are described on pages 15-16 in the form of interesting charts and pointers so that they can be easily understood the project time table and the guarantee. A list of issues of business eligibility warranty (SKJU) is shown on page 17, including project name, cost estimate, and explanation of SKJU. The strategic role of government guarantees is described on page 19. Followed by the legal basis, objectives and principles of government guarantees. The underwriting scheme with the state-owned infrastructure underwriter is explained on the chart on pages 20-21. In addition, government guarantee project criteria are outlined on pages 22-24. A list of government guarantees and loans from SOEs is explained on page 25. The last legal umbrella of government and business entities (KPBU) is listed on page 26.

This 27-page Data and Infrastructure Development 2015-2019 (Funds and Guarantee Funds) comes from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing (DGH), Bappenas, and processed The industry database index is the latest feature in that displays hundreds of data options according to users’ needs. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users perform process according to procedure, ie click purchase (purchase), click checkout, and fill form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.(*)

Source: click here

* Butuh data spesifik atau riset pasar, total ada 137 database, klik di sini
** Butuh competitor intelligence, klik di sini
*** Butuh copywriter specialist, klik di sini
**** Butuh content provider, klik di sini
***** Butuh jasa medsos campaign, klik di sini


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