Transportation Data in East Indonesia 2015-2017

Transportation, Infrastructure and Logistics Data in East Indonesia (Sea Toll Scheme) was released late September 2017 showing data, tables and infographics related to the development of transportation, infrastructure and logistics with the focus of sea toll schemes period 2015-2017. Presented in tables and interesting infographics, this data is expected to be useful for industry actors and related stakeholders. The Transportation, Infrastructure and Logistics data in East Indonesia (Sea Toll Scheme) begins with the display of Indonesia’s macro-economic data, economic data and outlook , global trade trends, and projected economic sectors in Indonesia by 2018. (pages 2 to 5) Not to be missed, the economic trends show per region (island) in Indonesia along with the trend of income and expenditure of the island (2016) and 2017 target. (Pages 6 to 10) Going into detailed discussion, data on the implementation of sea toll concept , marine toll elements, 2017 toll road network,...