Indonesian Milk Powder Market Leader Research

Indonesia Milk Powder Specific Data Research (Market Size and Growth Trend) was released in the first week of September 2018 featuring independent research, comprehensive data, data market size, data market value, and trends in the growth of milk powder market in Indonesia. The discussion is done in enough detail so as to facilitate stakeholders to understand it and make it a reference for making future projections.

Indonesia Milk Powder Specific Data Research (Market Size and Growth Trend) 2012 until 2021 period begins with exposure to Indonesia’s macroeconomic data, inflation, and the rupiah exchange rate (pages 2 and 3). Followed by 2018 business outlook and prospects referring to the government’s economic growth target in 2018 on page 4.

Entered on page 5, explained the factors driving the growth of the milk powder market in Indonesia, ranging from the number of children divided into several segments according to age, growth trends, and regulatory challenges in this sector. On page 6, a chart of milk industry trees in Indonesia is displayed, starting from raw materials, namely raw milk (fresh milk) to three layers downstream.

Furthermore, moving on to a more detailed discussion, the team dissected the market size (in tons) trend of the milk powder industry in Indonesia for the 2012-2021F period. This discussion is displayed in a table so as to facilitate reader understanding. The discussion includes 3 industrial segments of milk powder namely infant formula (milk powder for children aged 0-6 months), growth milk powder (milk powder for children aged 6 months to 3 years), as well as special needs milk powder (baby powder milk with lactose content low and formula milk for pregnant and lactating women). The discussion is carried out in detail by observing its growth trends, on pages 7 and 8.

From these data, then processed in market analysis on page 9. Segmentation of the milk powder industry is explained in more detail on page 10, along with their respective portions of the total market for milk powder in Indonesia.

On page 11, a pie chart is presented as a portion of 3 segments of the total milk powder market in Indonesia in the period of 2015. Followed later, on page 12, a pie chart is shown serving a portion of 3 segments of the total milk powder market in Indonesia in 2018F. With the comparison of the two diagrams, it is expected that the reader can understand the changes in the portion of each segment.

Not only that, the team dissected the market value trend (in millions of rupiahs) of the milk powder industry in Indonesia for the 2012-2021F period. This discussion also includes 3 industrial segments of milk powder namely infant formula (milk powder for children aged 0-6 months), growth milk powder (milk powder for children aged 6 months to 3 years), as well as special needs milk powder (baby powder milk with low lactose levels and formula milk for pregnant and lactating women). The discussion is carried out in detail by observing its growth trends, on pages 13 and 14.

Especially on page 15, the team also monitors the production trends of the infant formula segment for the 2015-2018F period. Followed later, market analysis of infant formula market consumption trends that affect national production trends, on page 16. Challenges for infant formula producers in the form of regulatory tightening are presented in market analysis on page 17. Also, the impact of tightening these regulations coupled with efforts to overcome them, in page 18.

Continues to the next discussion, on pages 19 to 28, shows the profile of the market leader of infant formula producers, complete with production trends in the last three years, production capacity profiles, and the advantages of the factory / production facilities. The level picture of powdered milk producers in Indonesia is shown on pages 29 and 30, detailed by the production segment of the type of milk powder produced.

On pages 31 to 33, the trend of market share of powdered milk in Indonesia is shown for the period 2011-2015. Followed by production trends and market value of the milk powder industry, which is a comparative data from the specific data research

This Indonesia Milk Powder Specific Data Research (Market Size and Growth Trend) 2012 until 2021 period contains 38 pages of 3 MB in size, derived from independent research from which is strengthened by data from BPS, the World Bank, Ministry of Health, as well as internal data from a number of milk producers powder. The industry data index is the latest feature at which displays dozens of selected data according to users’ needs. All data is presented in pdf form so it is easy to download after users process according to the procedure, which is click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill in the form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented. Thank you for your trust in*)

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