Seasoning Industry Market Report in Indonesia (Brand Profile 5 Market Leader)

Data Research on Seasoning Industry and Food Additives 2017-2019 (Market Share Top 5 Player in 4 Categories) was released the third week of July 2020 featuring a study of specific data, specific research of the seasoning industry and food additives (BTP), a complete database , market trend for the 2017-2019 period. This research data contains 42 pages measuring 3.57 MB which was made to be a comprehensive guide and reference for investors, corporations, researchers, and various stakeholders at large.

The research began by presenting highlights of the Indonesian economy, which was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, which disrupted industrial activity in general. The challenge of the economic slowdown in 2020 is of particular concern to industry players, including cosmetics and beauty industries. Also displayed is the Ease of Doing Business Index, foreign investment trends, licensing info, licenses, taxes, subsidies, and regulations for foreign investment, regulations on land acquisition, land ownership and political stability information. (page 2 to page 14)

Then proceed to the next chapter, namely research on specific data on the spice industry and food additives on page 15. The review of the industry data begins by displaying the market size trend of the food seasoning industry in 6 categories including 1) ready-to-eat spices, instant cooking spices , seasoned flour; 2) dried seasonings, pasta seasonings, seasonings, flavor enhancers; 3) vinegar; 4) coconut milk; 5) herbs; 6) shrimp paste. The size of the market trend of the food seasoning industry in the 6 categories was displayed for the 2017-2019 period. (pages 16 and 17)

Specifically, the team focused on researching the data for the vinegar category by displaying the market size trend for the 2018-2019 period. Vinegar size market trends are distinguished in value and market volume, accompanied by growth in that period. (page 18) Not only that, also displayed the top 5 market leaders in the vinegar industry based on sales and market leader profile on pages 19 to page 21.

Turning to food additives, the team also presented research on market size food additives for 9 categories including 1) carrageenan; 2) soy sauce; 3) artificial sweeteners; 4) food coloring; 5) vanilla; 6) frambozen; 7) sambal; 8) sauce; 9) meat extracts. Market size 9 categories of food additives are presented for the 2017-2019 period on page 22.

More specifically, the food coloring market size is presented in terms of value and volume for the 2018 and 2019 periods on page 23. The top 5 food coloring market leaders are displayed with the composition of the market share per market leader company, complete with profiles on pages 24 to 28.

Likewise with the vanilla and frambozen categories, data on market size and market volume are displayed, as well as profiles of the top 5 market leaders calculated from their market shares. (pages 29 to 35).

Following this was the discussion regarding the distribution of the largest channels for food products related to the sale of seasonings (food seasoning) and food additives. The discussion of channel distribution is divided into 5 segments, covering traditional markets, modern markets, online channels, small and medium businesses (SMEs), and business to business (b to b). (pages 36 to 42)

Research on Spices Industry Data and Food Supplement 2017-2019 (Market Share Top 5 Players in 4 Categories) totaling 42 pages and measuring 3.57 MB comes from a comprehensive research team of with the support of data from BPS, the World Bank, industry associations, government agencies, and a number of food companies both in Indonesia and the world. Industrial data index is the latest feature in which displays dozens of selected data according to users' needs. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users process according to the procedure, namely click purchase, click checkout, and fill out the form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.(*)

Source: click here

Mari Simak Coverage Riset Data Spesifik

Market database
Manufacturing data
Market research data
Market leader data
Market investigation
Market observation
Market intelligence
Monitoring data
Market Survey/Company Survey
Multisource compilation data
Market domestic data
Market export data
Market impor data
Market directory database
Competitor profilling
Market distribution data
Company database/directory
Mapping competition trend
Profiling competitor strategy
Market data analysist
Historical data
Time series data
Tabulation data
Factory directory database
Market segmentation data
Market entry strategy analysist
Big data processor
Financial Modeling/Feasibility Study
Price trend analysist
Data business intelligence
Customized Direktori Database

* Butuh data spesifik atau riset pasar, total ada 190 database, klik di sini
** Butuh competitor intelligence, klik di sini
*** Butuh copywriter specialist, klik di sini
**** Butuh content provider (branding online), klik di sini
***** Butuh jasa medsos campaign, klik di sini
Database Riset Data Spesifik Lainnya:
  • Butuh data spesifik atau riset pasar, total ada 190 database, klik di sini
  • Butuh 24 Kumpulan Database Otomotif, klik di sini
  • Butuh 18 Kumpulan Riset Data Kelapa Sawit, klik di sini
  • Butuh 15 Kumpulan Data Semen dan Beton, klik di sini
  • Butuh 8 Kumpulan Riset Data Baja, klik di sini
  • Butuh 15 Kumpulan Data Transportasi dan Infrastruktur, klik di sini
  • Butuh 9 Kumpulan Data Makanan dan Minuman, klik di sini
  • Butuh 6 Kumpulan Market Analysis Industri Kimia, klik di sini
  • Butuh 3 Kumpulan Data Persaingan Pasar Kosmetik, klik di sini
  • Butuh competitor intelligence ataupun riset khusus (survei & observasi), klik di sini
  • Butuh copywriter specialist, klik di sini
  • Butuh content provider (online branding), klik di sini
  • Butuh market report dan market research, klik di sini
  • Butuh perusahaan konsultan marketing dan penjualan, klik di sini
  • Butuh menjaring konsumen korporasi dengan fitur customized direktori database perusahaan, klik di sini


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